This intricately designed map brings to life the ten-year adventures of the hero Odysseus, as told in Homer’s timeless epic, The Odyssey.
Follow Odysseus’ journey from the fall of Troy to his triumphant return to Ithaca, encountering the countless trials and tribulations along the way. Discover the land of the Lotus Eaters, the island of the Cyclopes, Circe’s enchanting domain, and the perilous strait between Scylla and Charybdis.
This artwork is a perfect gift for enthusiasts of Greek mythology, lovers of classic literature, and map collectors alike. Adorn your home or office with this one-of-a-kind map and immerse yourself in the legends of the ancient world.
Order now and set sail on a timeless voyage with Odysseus!
For more information and to purchase, visit our website:
Odyssey: A Map of Myth and Legend Watch the showcase video here: